Sunday Strolling at Wentworth

After planning a bike ride all week the weather said no. So instead we got up whilst the sun was still shining, before the rain made an appearance, and decided on a morning trip with Taco dog to Wentworth Garden Centre. Matt had never been there before, whereas it is one of my favourite local places. “I’ll drive” said Matt, desperate to try out his new toy (if you are wondering, it’s black and comfortable. I genuinely am so ignorant about cars and that’s literally all I can tell you!!) and, with Taco on my knee, we set off all whilst I chatted his ears off about how great this place is. Wentworth village is so quaint and picturesque and as we pulled up the place was just opening up so was super quiet.

First stop was coffee and cake! Individual portions of lemon meringue were the size of your head so despite it being Matt’s favourite we settled on a couple of butterfly buns - a cheeky few pieces for Taco of course. Next was past the petting farm onto the games field. Our drinks were still warm so we rejected tennis in place of giant 4 in a row - despite being confident I would win, the victory went to Matt this time. Following this we took a stroll over to the beautiful gardens to tackle the maze and explore the paths. There were deer, pheasants, robins, squirrels and even a shrew scurrying through the undergrowth. The gardens are really so beautiful, and not too big either - Taco had a great time too with all the scents of the wildlife around!

The whole visit took about 90mins and the trip put a smile on our faces and satisfied our need for fresh air! A successful morning out, not least due to the fact that there was also a fresh fudge stall by the exit! A return visit is definitely on the cards but for now it is home for a chill before the kids get home.

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